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"Gas 2030" Dialogue

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Topic of the month in this edition is dialogue process “Gas 2030” the ministry of economics and energy (BMWi) launched. Until now I reported about this dialogue always in the market rumour section. But it’s not a “secret endeavor”. The BMWi reports its own Energiewende Newsletter that the process was kicked-off. But the whole process is not really transparent even not for participants. For example the slides from the kick-off meeting were never published or distributed. The input papers were sent only to the participants of the working group for which they were produced. The assignment of representatives from associations and companies to the working groups seems to be also a clandestine task. I can’t see a reason why Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) that organises the whole process does not launch a dedicated web page where all documents are published. In particular because the BMWi is interested in as much input as possible.

Capacity model for "Marco

The discussions between BNetzA and the TSOs regarding the capacity provision in the new market area seem to have reached a dead end. As a reminder: During the dialogue event at the E-world sidelines, the TSOs presented their capacity model (ener|gate Gasmarkt 03/19). The core outcome: In the joint market area only 22 per cent of the FZK and bFZK capacity provided under the current Network Development Plan can be maintained at the entry points. Through network extension or market-based instruments, the firm entry capacity can be increased. The TSOs advocated market-based instruments as an efficient solution. On March 12, BNetzA made clear in a meeting with the TSOs that there were severe legal concerns regarding the TSOs’ proposal. The crucial point is the interpretation of article 9, chapter 3 of the Ordinance Provision on Network Access (GasNZV).

Market trends: BP World Energy Outlook

The annual BP World Energy Outlook is one of the most important forecasts for the future development of energy markets. But BP’s chief economist Spencer Dale emphasised in a video accompanying the launch of the publication that the purpose of the outlook is not really a forecast, but a better understanding of the uncertainties of the future development. Therefore, BP modelled, besides its basis scenario “evolving transition”, a variety of additional scenarios. What is remarkable for this publication is that besides expected scenarios like “fast transition to carbon-free technologies” and “less globalisation”, a “single-use plastics ban” is modelled. This demonstrates how seriously BP takes the related discussion. Such a scenario would have a substantial consequence for the oil demand.